Extracurricular activities gay porn game

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Corrected a slew of typos, mostly through Coach's and Dozer's days. The auto-forward button has been added! You can see it while playing the game now. Darius's Day 1 has been included in Spanish now. It doesn't have much in it at the moment, but it's a start! I'll add some character details there, and I plan on using that as an indicator for folks to know whether or not they have what I consider the 'Best' ending. Well, with this update, I set some of the groundwork up for it. I had designed another template for them forever ago, and I never really implemented them.

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For those of you that have been here for forever, you might remember way back when I introduced some characters on Day 1, they'd have small bio blurbs pop up with them. Added a Character Bios page under the 'Extras' option. Your choices change the way the story will progress, so be wary of the paths you take! This is a silly, upbeat story, but everyone does have their hardships as well, so will they show their deepest secrets or keep you locked out?​ Through the story, depending on the choices you make, you may or may not find romance with the other players on the team. The story follows the main character (you!) as you play tennis with a college team while trying to make it through your classes.

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